Purrrrr-fectly Adorable

Purrrrr-fectly Adorable
Monkeytailz accessories inspired another outfit! Spring Stroll Liz (Volks SD10) loved the feline fabrics. . . the Monkeytailz wristlets looked adorable on her. . . and the romper almost made itself! Very easy!
For Volks SD10 or SDG: Make a copy of the Bodice Front and Bodice Back from #2 Teal for Tea. On the Bodice Front, identify the Center Front line. Now make a dot ½” above the point where the Center Front line meets the neckline. Re-draw the neckline, making a smooth curve from the dot up to the shoulder.
Select the Dress Collar (Obitsu Size) in #10 Takeshita-dori and the Dress Upper Sleeve (#11 Alternate version) in #11 Takeshita-dori Supplement. Cut two pieces 3 7/8” x 1” on the straight of the grain to bind the hem edge of the sleeve. Assemble the bodice using traditional sewing methods (refer to #10 instructions). I added 3/4” wide ruffles to the collar and 1” wide ruffles to the hem edge of the sleeve (see below for cutting information).
Crop the bodice to “rib cage” length. For SD10, the finished length of the bodice is 2 ¾” at the center front and center back.
For the lower part of the romper, copy the Romper Pants in #30 Play Day at 130%. To increase the width of the romper pants: Draw a line parallel to the grain line from the top to the bottom of the pattern. Cut along the line. Place the pattern pieces on a sheet of paper, separating the pieces by 1” and tape down to the paper so the top edge and hemline are “lined up”. Trim off 3” length from the hem edge and 3/8” from the top edge. Now you have a custom pattern for the romper pants.
Cut two pieces 4 5/8” x 1” on the straight of the grain to bind the hem edge of the romper pants. I added 1 ¼” wide ruffles to the pant hemline (see below). Refer to the #30 instructions for more information.
You can make this garment for other SD girls by selecting any other custom-sized bodice pattern, adjusting the neckline for the collar, and cropping the bodice to a pleasing length.
Cutting guideline for ruffles:
Measure the length of the hemline where the ruffle will be added. Multiply that measurement by 3, and use the resulting number as the length of the ruffle.
#2 Teal for Tea:
#10 Takeshita-dori:
#11 Takeshita-dori Supplement:
#30 Play Day:
Refer to pattern instructions for all other cutting and construction information.